Moonrise District
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Balboa Park, San Diego

By February 22, 2016 personal style, side hustle, street style, style


San Diego was one of those cities that you fall instantly in love with.

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Bagatiba silk scarf | Shop Sincerely Jules jeans | Vans Sk8 Hi’s


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Sweat The Style

By January 24, 2016 city vibes, personal style, street style, style, winter

Sweat Style Crew

Spent the day trekking through Blizzard Jonas in my Sweat Crew gear.

The perfect mix of style and functionality, Sweat Crew-created by my muse Adrianne Ho– was perfect to spend the day out in the snow exploring my city.

Sweat Style CrewSweat Style CrewSweat Style Crew Sweat Style Crew Sweat Style CrewSweat Style Crew jordansSweat Style Crew Sweat Style Crew Jordans Sweat Style Crew Jordans Sweat Style Crew Jordans

L’Enfant Plaza, DC

Oversized Baseball Jacket | Classic Leggings | Air Jordan 1s

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Fur, Anywhere

By January 23, 2016 city vibes, personal style, style, winter

Moonrise-District-Basilica-DC-black and white-fur coat-15

As shown by exhibit A, I am a huge fan on throwing on a fur coat over the most nonchalant of outfits.

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Brookland, DC

F21 fur coat | Madewell button down | Target skinnies | Converse Chuck Taylors

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Snow Day Greys

By January 18, 2016 personal style, style, winter

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Of course I had to go out and capture the first snow of the season. I am so ridiculously excited that it finally feels like winter in DC.

moonrise-snow-off the shouldermoonrise-snow-knit-grey-sweater-conversemoonrise-snow-bridgemoonrise-snow-off the shoulder-knit-grey moonrise-snow-converse-chuck taylors-personal stylemoonrise-snow-walking-all grey-monocrhome moonrise-snow-knit sweater-greymoonrise-snow-bridge-2 moonrise-snow-knit-sweater-off the shoulder-black-white-grey moonrise-snow-monochrome-grey moonrise-snow-off the shoulder-black-white-grey moonrise-snow-off the shoulder-knit-sweater moonrise-snow-personal style-grey-monochrome-knit-joggers-converse

JustFab knit | Vnda joggers | Converse Chuck Taylors

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