Levi’s jean jackets defies the test of time, age, fashion, & style. It is an iconic piece that has been worn by all for over 100 years.
Jean jackets can be used in any situation and by any person. Almost everyone has owned, owns, or will own a jean jacket at some point in their lives. I own a total of two denim jackets and those two have lasted me years and have seen me through all stages of my fashion life. They are that one piece in your closet that can be worn with about every other piece in your closet. Whenever an outfit needs an added something, I always gravitate to one of my two jackets to add that missing element. There is no one way to wear a denim jacket.
And talking about elements, DC (the East Coast, actually) is going through a serious deep freeze and looking at these photos makes me sort of miss the 40 degree temps of this day. I’m not complaining though, I’m happy I haven’t had to put away any of my amazing coats yet & that I can continue to wear my knits pretty much every day. This day, though, I was lucky enough to have semi-warm weather and we were able to walk around and find gorgeous alleyways in the city.
About this look:
Levi’s jean jacket
Forever 21 dress
Victoria’s Secret flats
Bagatiba necklace